11 results


Paradise for families and cross-country ski lovers, Soraga is...

Val di Fassa - Passo San Pellegrino

Passo San Pellegrino

The carousel of the TreValli in the Fassa Dolomites and the Belluno...

Val di Fassa - Campitello  - Panorama

Campitello di Fassa

Breathtakeing views of the Dolomites, trekking and, of course,...



Paradise for families and cross-country ski lovers, Soraga is overlooked by the Roda di Vael

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Val di Fassa - Passo San Pellegrino

Passo San Pellegrino

The carousel of the TreValli in the Fassa Dolomites and the Belluno valley

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Val di Fassa - Campitello  - Panorama

Campitello di Fassa

Breathtakeing views of the Dolomites, trekking and, of course, ski and snowboard in winter

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Resorts and Towns