12 results
The " Giardino della Rosa " (Rose Garden) in Ronzone

The " Giardino della Rosa " (Rose Garden) in Ronzone

The "Giardino della Rosa" (Rose Garden) is located just beneath the...

Panoramic Walk from Sanzeno to the St Romedius Shrine

Panoramic Walk from Sanzeno to the St Romedius Shrine

A highly suggestive walk for all revealing highly suggestive,...

Canyon Rio Sass

Enjoy the thrill of nature while exploring the Rio Sass canyon.

Laghi di Tavon e Coredo

Laghi di Tavon e Coredo

A striking Alpine landscape frames two lakes - Lake Tavon and Lake...

The " Giardino della Rosa " (Rose Garden) in Ronzone

The " Giardino della Rosa " (Rose Garden) in Ronzone

The "Giardino della Rosa" (Rose Garden) is located just beneath the town of Ronzone, in Upper Val di Non. Covering an area of 8500 square metres,...

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Panoramic Walk from Sanzeno to the St Romedius Shrine

Panoramic Walk from Sanzeno to the St Romedius Shrine

A highly suggestive walk for all revealing highly suggestive, breath-taking vistas.

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Canyon Rio Sass

Enjoy the thrill of nature while exploring the Rio Sass canyon.

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Laghi di Tavon e Coredo

Laghi di Tavon e Coredo

A striking Alpine landscape frames two lakes - Lake Tavon and Lake Coredo.

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